• Awards

  • Several awards will be distributed during ICEF14 during the closure ceremony :
    • The « Best Orals » award winners will receive a document and a prize worth € 500.
    • The « Best Posters » awards will concern session 1 (3 awards) and session 2 (2 awards).

    The best oral awards will be the following :
    • « Best oral presentation young scientist » which will be  promoted by PURATOS
      This award will be attributed to a youg scientist (MSc, PhD student or recently diplomed PhD) to recognize a significant contribution based on scientific merit and novelty and also to recognize communication skills.

    About the promoter : Puratos’s journey began in 1919, just over a hundred years ago. PURATOS provides a full range of cutting-edge services and ingredients to customers in the bakery, patisserie, and chocolate industry worldwide. PURATOS intend to move the planet forward by creating innovative food solutions for the health and well-being of people everywhere.
    At Puratos, we believe food has extraordinary power in our lives: the power to feed, nourish, comfort, and bring families together. It can unite people of all backgrounds, putting a smile on our faces as we celebrate life’s moments—big and small. It even has the unique power to heal!

    • « Best oral presentation on food structure and innovation » which will be promoted by Carnot Qualiment®.
    • This 500€ award will reward the best presentation about exemplary, innovative approaches related either to food structure design or to the interaction between food structure and its processing by consumers.  
    • Indeed,  food structure appears to be more and more a key factor of its nutritional properties, and is well known for its role in sensory properties. Designing food structure is thus a current research issue, for example with innovative processes such as 3D printing. Better understanding of soft matter physics also leads to new possibilities in food structure design at the macromolecular level, while efforts have been devoted in the last few years in modelling the interactions between foods and Human digestive tract.

    About the promoter : Qualiment® is the French research network for food innovation. Led by INRAE, it brings together all major food-oriented French laboratories, with food scientists, microbiologists and nutritionists from AgroParisTech, Institut Agro Rennes-Angers,  Institut Agro Dijon, CNRS, CRNH, CTCPA, Oniris, SATT SAYENS, the University of Clermont Auvergne, the University of Avignon and the University of Bourgogne.
    They support food and ingredients companies and equipment manufacturers in the development of their innovations
    • «  Best oral presentation on sustainability » which will be promoted by SYMRISE.
      This award is dedicated to processes and solutions which will contribute to enhance the sustainability of the food chain in general.
    About the promoter : SYMRISE is a key player in the domain of food (taste, nutrition, health) and scent & care.
    SYMRISE’s  long-term objective is to source all raw materials in a way that minimizes any negative environmental and/or human rights impact.

    • « Best Oral presentation ‘’E-Tech-GEPEA’’ on electrical based technologies » which will be promoted by GEPEA Research Unit – CNRS 6144.
      This award is dedicated to presentations about technologies for which electrical and electromagnetic interaction with food is the driver. Technologies such as ohmic heating, microwave and RF, external electric and magnetic field, pulsed electric field … and similar contexts is considered.

    About the promoter : GEPEA is affiliated to the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS, Unit n°6144). It is one of the 3 major research unit on process Engineering applied to bioresources in France. It employs more than 100 people permanently, as such as more than 100 PhD, Postdocs and Researchers.
    GEPEA gathers Nantes Université, Oniris (higher education and research institution affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture) , IMT Atlantique and CNRS.

    • «  Best oral presentation on 3D food printing and additive manufacturing » which will be promoted by MAD4AM-GEPEA Cluster (ISITE NEXT)
      21 orals related to 3D Printing of foods will be presented at ICEF14 ; this demonstrates the importance of this field in food processing. A jury gathering members of the MAD4AM Cluster of excellence on 3D Printing and of GEPEA will be in charge of selecting the best oral presentation.
    About the promoter; MAD4AM (Multisectorial Accepted Development FOR Additive Manufacturing) is an Integrated Research Network, dedicated to Additive Manufacturing (FA), managed within the GEPEA Lab and funded by Nantes University NExT Initiative.
    The consortium brings together 12 laboratories, 2 platforms and several industrialists in sectors in which additive manufacturing is expanding. MAD4AM's ambition is to advance science and meet technological challenges related to the current limits of Additive Manufacturing processes.

    Practical information :
                            Free access / 16:00 - 18:00 (TBC)
                            Agenda : 6 presentations = round table discussion
                            Nantes congress center
                            Contact : constantin.ilasca@univ-nantes.fr

  • Best orals and best posters awards

  • The awardees are:
    Best posters:
    Till SICKERT “Investigation of Electromagnetic Field Modulation via Solid State-Technology in Microwave-Assisted Freeze-Drying”

    Caroline BACHLECHNER “Characterising cleaning relevant properties of native model biofilms for efficient biofilm removal strategies”

    Nilushika THAMBUGALA ATHUKORALALAGE “The usefulness of the extrusion technique as a quantitative measure of differentiating dysphagia-oriented meals based on particle size disparities”

    Yurixy BUGARIN-CASTILLO “Using a novel soft robotic swallowing setup to adapt food products for specific swallowing disorders”

    Eda COSKUN “Optimization of Radio Frequency Thawing Process Parameters in Frozen Bulk Chicken Thigh Meat”

    Raquel LOPEZ-LOZANO “Saving the planet with (the right amount of) packaging”

    Best orals:
    Flore VANCOILLIE "How food processing can engineer the health potential of vegetables “
    Cecilia AHLSTRÖM   "Pilot-Scale Protein Recovery from Cold-Pressed Rapeseed Press Cake"
    Eugenia ASAMOAH  "Investigation of Pound Cake Baking in the Case of Ohmic Heating for an application in 3D printing"
    Aaditya  VENKATACHALAM "Impact of macronutrient composition on 3D printability of  pea-based food formulations"

    Luiza AVEZUM  "Understanding and optimization of rapid and small-scale germination process on the nutritional quality of lentil and cowpea"
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